SFS staged a protest demonstration at Student Center reagrding the case of a 19-year-old ex CBSE topper who was allegedly drugged and gang-raped at a room adjoining a tubewell in a field in the Rewari district of Haryana. Condemning this incident, SFS spokesperson Hassanpreet said," The ever increasing number of rapes in India especially Haryana in the past shows the development of a Rape Culture inside our country. Present Govt.'s "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao" has become a farce in the present context when higher education is already heavily privatized and the remaining public institutions like our own are under continuous attack and the streets are so unsafe for women to travel by. Even in the present case, the girl was a Board Topper and visiting a coaching center when she was raped by her own village's residents." Recently elected PUCSC President from SFS, Kanupriya said," This rape culture can be fought only by establishing an alternative progressive culture in which women are fearless and outspoken. This culture has to force the men to fight patriarchy as strongly as women. In PU, we will establish this culture and its foundation has to be led by 24 Hour Open Girls Hostel. On the first working day of Council, we are submitting a memorandum to the Vice Chancellor & DSW for availing Fine free 24 Hour open girls Hostel to all the female students irrespective of their age."
Many students joined in the demonstration and ended the protest with slogans bashing patriarchy and demanding 24 Hour open girls Hostel. Students pasted posters condemning the Rewari Rape case on notice boards around the campus and Kanupriya submitted the memorandum in VC Office and urged all the students to join in all the subsequent steps and meetings regarding the issue.