National Conference at JMI Geomorphic processes, Climate Change & Urban Geomorphology

Three days National Conference at JMI to discuss Geomorphic processes, Climate Change and Urban Geomorphology

The Department of Geography, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi is organizing the 30th National Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphologists (IGI) from 3rd to 5th October, 2018 on the Focal Theme “Geomorphology, Environment and Society”. The human survival and prosperity depends on their understanding of geomorphic processes. Deliberations will also be held on Climate Change and Urban Geomorphology both of which are of paramount importance currently.

Prof. V K Malhotra (Member Secretary, ICSSR) will be the Chief Guest in the Inaugural Ceremony. The Presidential Address would be given by Prof. Savindra Singh (President, IGI) and Address by Guest of Honour would be given by Prof. R.B Singh (Secretary General, IGU-International Geographical Union) and Prof. Sunil Kumar De (President, IAG-International Association of Geomorphologists).

The number of participants in the conference is above 250 from all over India. The maximum number of participants are from West Bengal (102), followed by the North Eastern States (32), Uttar Pradesh (29), Delhi (27) and Maharashtra (22).

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