We, the Tribal Students' Forum TSF-HCU, strongly condemn the attack on marginalized and innocent tribal students in F hostel, UoH by the ABVP goons around 9:30pm. The ABVP goons came in drunken state to ask for votes for the ABVP when the tribal students were unlocking their own rooms with their friends who also happen to belong to tribal community, nearly 15 people came and started checking their pockets and started arguing that they should vote for ABVP. When innocent students who doesn't know Hindi or English (as they are pursuing courses in regional languages) asserted that it is their right to vote whoever they want to. The ABVP goons started physically assaulted and dragged them outside F Hostel.

Friends who were attacked are now in a state of fear and feeling intimidated for further attacks for asserting their voice. This reflects the attitude of the ABVP towards marginalized sections and those who assert their identity and voice. The right wing attitude and the hollow claims of ABVP stands exposed once again when more than 15 goondas attacked poor, marginalized and helpless tribal students.

It also exposes ABVP and other right wing organizations, as on the one hand they have been acultutization and appropriating our culture and communities and on the other hand they are attacking on our innocent people and students who are standing for their own unique culture, history and diversity.

We Tribal Students Forum TSF-HCU, strongly condemn the attack on our students and we stand for them. We demand the authorities to take appropriate action against those who are involved in violence against tribal students at MH-F hostel at 9;30 pm.
